Looking back at my 2020 - the year of minimalism
Phew, what a year. If somebody told me at the beginning of 2020 that it will turn out like this, I'd have thought he is crazy. But here we are. Before I proceed to talk…
Phew, what a year. If somebody told me at the beginning of 2020 that it will turn out like this, I'd have thought he is crazy. But here we are. Before I proceed to talk…
It feels unreal for me to say this, but later today I'll be releasing a major update of my app: Timelines 2.0. I have been working towards this day for a year and a…
I'm always both excited and worried about writing these posts, but it wouldn't be a good end of the year for me without getting it done. 2019 was a more 'quiet' year for me. After…
Exactly 10 years ago, on November 9, 2009, I got my first MacBook Pro and I started building apps. I didn't know nothing about anything, but I absolutely fell in love with it. My programming…
Since my posts tend to be overly long and drawn out, I'll do my best to keep this one short, succinct and to the point. While this year had some unique challenges for me, all…